Posts Tagged ‘theft’

Arrests near in theft of L$13,600

by on Sunday, October 16th, 2016

Following several important clues Saturday morning, the police expect soon to make arrests in connection with the theft of L$13,600 from a safe in the residence of Frank Daly, aged 54, of 231 Bayou street, some time during Thursday night or early Friday morning.

Daly, retired from active business life, inherited the money on the death of his mother some time ago, and according to his own admission, had the money in an old iron safe in a room adjoining his bedroom where he lived alone, and that the safe door was never locked because he did not know the combination. The thief therefore found no difficulty in getting the money once he had forced an entrance.

What the police are puzzled over, however, is the fact that in gaining an entrance, the burglar was compelled to force open two doors. That Daly was not aroused from his slumbers is considered remarkable, since in forcing the two doors, the robber had to throw his weight against each with sufficient force to bend the bolts.

Daly insists, however, that the money was in the safe when he retired Thursday night at 10 o’clock, and that it was gone when he looked for it Friday morning.

Daly said the money was in denominations of L$10 and L$20 bills.

Police Blotter

by on Saturday, October 1st, 2016

TWENTY-FOUR HOURS after she had sworn to kill Joseph Grille, 25, of 52 Royal street, Miss Sarah Bugulia, of 39 Bayou street, was married to him. The ceremony took place Thursday night in New Toulouse, with Judge Maher officiating, it was learned Friday. Charges of disturbing the peace, which were entered against the two Wednesday night, after they had been found scuffling on the levee at Pirate alley, were not dropped Friday morning in the Second Recorder’s Court. The pair were arraigned, pleaded not guilty, and were released on L$50 bond each.

IN A DESPERATE ATTEMPT to escape arrest after being caught in the act of stealing a coil of rope from the bark Tena, lying at the head of Bogus alley, Friday, it is alleged, Louis Kapp, of 62 Hospital street, and Alvin Soungz, of 94 Elmira street, plunged into the river from the deck of the vessel. Captain Jacob Anderson and members of the crew followed them in a yawl and succeeded in overtaking them. The prisoners were turned over to Doorman Godfrey Moll and locked up on a charge of dangerous and suspicious.

Police Blotter

by on Thursday, June 23rd, 2016

A CALLER REPORTED that a man was pulling a bush out of the ground. Police determined that the man was weeding.
black-cat-wallpaperPATROLMEN BELL AND CHRISTEN made a good capture Wednesday evening at 5:15 o’clock when at Royal Street and Wikifoo Way, they caught Wm. Mars, 37 years old, and Caroll Varnado, 19 years old, in the act of attempting to dispose of a lot of brass, lead, and copper material which is believed to have been stolen. Mars claimed to have purchased the stuff at points along the river from St. James to New Toulouse, but the pair told so many conflicting tales that they are not believed at all. The material was brought to New Toulouse in a skiff, which it is thought may also have been stolen, as neither prisoner lives in this vicinity. Mars is said to be an ex-convict and, when charged so by the police, admitted that he served two years in the penitentiary for breaking into a grocery at Baldwin, La. Recorder Goff imposed the usual sentence of L$10 and twenty days and nine days additional in order to hold the suspects pending further investigation of the case.

A MAN ARRIVED HOME from vacation and could not open his safe; he said that someone had changed the combination, possibly using witchcraft.

Police Blotter

by on Sunday, February 21st, 2016

Discovering the home of John Steeley, 44 Rossignol street, afire at 5:30 this morning, Patrolman Nix, with the assistance of a small newsboy, broke into the dwelling and had half the furniture removed before firemen arrived. According to the officer’s report, he and the newsboy even removed a piano from the dwelling. No one was at home when the fire broke out. Firemen confined the blaze to the upper floor.

velva-syrupLove of fine silks led to the arrest in New Toulouse yesterday of Mrs. Anolda Quigley and Mrs. Alice Meriweather, two waitresses from Plaquemines Parish, on petit larceny charges. The women are said to have come to New Toulouse on a shopping trip, and while looking at goods in one of the stores, to have made away with several dollars’ worth of expensive fabrics. Inspector Palmer is holding the trunks of both women, pending word from local merchants.

Police Blotter

by on Thursday, July 30th, 2015

Mrs. J. E. Stevenson, 1400 Pontalba street, was attacked by a purse-snatcher early last evening while walking towards the streetcar line near her home. The man slipped out from a clump of bushes behind her, darted silently to her side, jerked the handbag from her fingers and ran swiftly away. Her loss was more than L$5.

Thieves broke into a tailor shop on Royal street one night last week and took two pairs of trousers belonging to Doctor Johnson.

Friday morning at 1 o’clock someone took charge of an automobile belonging to Robert Turner, as it stood in front of the residence of Mrs. Geo. Hornosky, 301 Nightingale street, and after enjoying a ride for three hours, returned it to a point nearby undetected. The machine was not damaged.
Burglaries supposedly by boys continue as heretofore, despite the vigilance of the police officers. On Monday morning when Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Mauldin were absent from their home on Pontalba street, the house was entered, and the thief rifled every drawer and armoir in the house, looking for money. A gold watch of Doctor Mauldin was lying on a dresser exposed, and still the thief passed it up and appropriated for his own use two white shirts instead. The scoundrel also ate all of the prepared food he could find before making his departure. Police Officer Broughton arrested a boy whom it is thought committed the offense, but there was no proof to hold him. The town is full of half-grown boys who take advantage of the juvenile laws which prevent their incarceration and punishment, and we have reason to believe this is the class who commit these breaches of the law.

Police Blotter

by on Tuesday, July 7th, 2015

Bent Gent
Gasner Alecillo, a member of the crew of the steamship Brunswick, reported to the police that he was robbed of L$30 in New Toulouse Friday night while under the influence of liquor. He does not know how it happened, and the police have been unable to learn the identity of the guilty parties.

Mobile Misappropriation
Sunday night, Mr. Philip Huffman, of 44 Pontalba street, reported that he was the victim of a pickpocket, and that he was relieved of a gold watch and fob valued at L$200. It is stated that the pickpockets did their work while on the streetcar, as several other persons reported being relieved of valuables.

Reptile Rescue
A woman called police Monday morning when she found an upside-down turtle in her garden. The officer told her to turn the turtle right side up. She did but called back to report that the turtle had no arms, legs, or head. The officer told her not to worry, and the turtle fled in an unknown direction before police arrived.

“Goat Gang” on the rampage

by on Saturday, March 28th, 2015

Artist's conception of Goat Gang leader and his moll

Artist’s conception of Goat Gang leader and his moll

Be careful where you hang your washing.

That’s the advice of Miss Miette Lin, the proprietor of Lin Laundry, who says that she returned from making a delivery to find a shaggy intruder atop her nightstand. After the interloper departed, she noticed that two pairs of red long johns were missing.

A spokesman for the New Toulouse Street Railway Company says that passengers should expect streetcar delays, “due to random appearances of groups of Goats at intersections.”

Police warn that the gang members are dangerous. “The Goats wear distinctive headgear shaped like horns,” said Inspector Palmer. “If you see one, do not approach him, but instead telephone us for help.”

One man sustained minor bruising during an altercation with a Goat and even spilled his coffee. “Looka dat bruise,” said Mr. Boudreaux. “Dat ain’t no leetle bruise.”

Gigi Lapin lives in New Toulouse Bayou with her pet crawfish, Jimbo.

Police Blotter

by on Tuesday, February 24th, 2015

Mystery Digit
A severed finger found in a Gloryville alley has given the police a puzzle that is being investigated by local sleuths.

Choosy Looter
A Woodget Street couple returned home Saturday night to find their valuables piled in a heap on the parlor floor. The only thing missing was a bottle of apricot brandy.

Vehicular Adversity
An elderly lady was struck by a streetcar today on Bayou Street near Laveau Square when she walked into the street to go around a Mardi Gras float that had been left on the pavement. The woman is without injury, but the streetcar was sent to the shop for repairs.

Police Blotter

by on Tuesday, November 25th, 2014

Turkey Trouble
Eighteen fine fat turkeys were stolen from the Frye & Co. butcher shop last night by burglars. Entrance to the shop was gained by ripping off part of the screening on a front door.

Uncivil Cyclist
Riding along Royal Street between Wikifoo Way and Peach Alley Sunday night, without lights or warning signal, an unidentified bicyclist struck J. Fordyce, age 70, and bowled him over in the mud. Fordyce’s nose was broken and he suffered internal injuries. The cyclist continued on his way without stopping. Police officers are making a search for the cyclist.

Dope Den
Three men were arrested by detectives Saturday night at French Market #3-B on a charge of smoking opium. Sgt. Guy and seven officers confiscated three pipes and a “hop layout.”