Posts Tagged ‘music’

A Founder’s Day invitation from the mayor

by on Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015

Mayor Godenot

Mayor Godenot

Good people of New Toulouse,

I would like to invite you to join me this weekend to celebrate the founding of New Toulouse seven years ago.

Festivities will begin at 12:45 PM on Saturday, March 7, with a speech and ceremony outside my home, and at 1:00 we will have a street party by the firehouse with a live concert by Untolerable Bohemian.

Please join me on March 7 to celebrate seven years of our fair parish!


Krewe Bayou might be having a ball

by on Thursday, January 15th, 2015

This morning I woke up to a piece of paper hitting me in the face. I’m still staying at the rooftop hotel, so I suppose that is not the worst thing that could have hit me. Groggily I peered at the page: it was a handbill advertising a maybe-party this Sunday, hosted by Krewe Bayou.


Last year around this time, I asked the shadowy figure calling herself Queen Notakraken how a person might join the krewe, if he were so inclined. You are already in Krewe Bayou, she told me. Everyone is in Krewe Bayou, whether they know it or not.

You would think that as a member of the krewe, I would have heard about this party earlier, or whether we’ll parade, or what. You would think that, and you would be wrong.

So all I have to go on are whispers, and this poster, and what looks to be party decorations on the roof next door. They say that Ghosty Kips had to cancel on spinning the platters because of a family matter, and that the mysterious “DJ Tabasco” stepped in handily to save the day with his collection of Cajun, zydeco, and swamp pop recordings. (They don’t say what “swamp pop” is, but I don’t think it has anything to do with Okra-Cola.) They say that there will be plenty of beer, which will come in handy in case of fire. They murmur of a trivia contest with “fabulous prizes.” And I overheard a rumor to the effect that “everyone gets a baby kraken friend.”

Now you know everything I do.

Jack Mondieu, Ace Reporter, is often perplexed.

Poetry winners announced

by on Sunday, October 26th, 2014

Lei’s Cafe on the Bayou hosted a Prose & Poems event on October 25. Following a wonderful performance from singer-guitarist Joaquin Gustav, participants read poems from their favorite poets and also presented some amazing original poems.

After much consideration, the judges selected “My House on the Bayou” by Marnie Gras as the winner of the original poem competition.

The judges determined that there was a tie for second place between Silky Grimknot’s poem “Nightmare Night, Darkness Moon” and Maggie Hawksby’s “Loup-Garou (Werewolf).”

Lemon Bramblet is a wandering journalist with a nose for strong coffee and a fear of lake cows.

An evening of music and poetry

by on Sunday, October 12th, 2014

Poets and writers will soon compete for prizes at a literary and musical gathering on the bayou.

Lei’s Cafe on the Bayou hosts a poetry night on Saturday, October 25. The event opens with music by Joaquin Gustav at 4:00 PM SLT. Mr. Gustav is a talented guitarist, composer, and Avi Choice Award winner from Argentina. His diverse playlist includes jazz, tango, milonga, candomblé, and something called “rock music.”

Starting at 5:00 PM, Taloosters and friends present their favorite poems and short stories. Prizes will be awarded for the top two original works.

To register to perform a reading, send a note to Miss Lei Pari by October 23. Include your name, poem or short story title, the name of person who wrote it (you or the original author), and the text of the poem or short story.

Gigi Lapin is worried about the proximity of all those brains to a known zombie hotspot.

Neptune approacheth

by on Saturday, September 6th, 2014

The Neptune Music Festival will take place on Thursday, September 11, aboard the riverboat Mama Cree. Three DJs and singer/guitarist WashedUp Sideways are slated to perform.

Festival organizers Miss Lei Pari (Lei’s Cafe on the Bayou) and Dr. Guenivere D’Avalon (The Cup & Harp) encourage revelers to attend in sea-themed attire. Expect to see merfolk, pirates, and other marine marvels at this September celebration of music.

Gigi Lapin resides on Basin Street with her pet crawfish, Jimbo.

Samedi Gras parade this Saturday

by on Wednesday, February 26th, 2014

The Ancient Order of Carricre will parade through the city on Samedi Gras (Fat Saturday), March 1. The parade, made up of the floats of several different krewes, begins at 12:00 noon SLT.

Miz Carter Denja will act as parade emcee and DJ for the post-parade party in Laveau Square. Afterward, Kari’s Bar & Dance will host a concert by popular musician RoseDrop Rust starting at 2:00 PM.

A spokesman for the AOC declined to disclose the identity of this year’s king or queen.

Jack Mondieu, Ace Reporter, is a figment of your imagination.

Let the good times roll

by on Sunday, February 16th, 2014

On Saturday, February 15, the good times rolled, they pranced, they hopped, and they danced at the very first Krewe Bayou parade. Wild and wonderful creatures took to the streets of New Toulouse in a Mardi Gras mood; colorful, noisy, weaving, and sometimes colliding, the parade snaked through the streets, bringing joy and beads to those spectators who cheered from the sidelines.

Krewe Bayou forming up to parade

Krewe Bayou forming up to parade (photo by Henri Godenot)

Captain Francesca Alva was the small but mighty leader of the party-pack, gracefully keeping everyone in line (sort of), from the very tall Trombone Creature, who set the pace, to the Toad King bringing up the rear. Paraders included tinies, chariot drivers, a kraken on horseback, equestrian butterflies, a tiny Mayor Godenot, a deep-sea diver in an aquarium, a bird-headed man, and Superman; umbrella dancers added to the magic and the color of the event.

As February 15 was also Hippo Day gridwide, hippopotamus-shaped balloons abounded in the crowd, and King Hippo could be seen holding court in the little yard behind Lafitte’s.

As the parade approached Gloryville, the marching band at the front disappeared, along with the captain and many paraders, but all returned quickly, some wiping foam from their mouths. We can only speculate that it was a planned rehydration break, as the parade continued on as if nothing had happened, finally ending up circling Laveau Square before dissolving into a dance party in the park.

When it was all over, everyone agreed that it was the very best parade that New Toulouse has ever seen. Here is the list of official Krewe Bayou parade participants, as far as we can tell: Captain Fran, the Oh Lord What Is That marching band (Q, Henri, and Liza), Queen Alycia, King Aodhan (aka King Walksintowalls), Queen Guenevere, King Blake, Queen Galatea, Queen Jane, the Toad King (Karima), Queen Kes, King Lawrence, Queen Maggie, King Marcel, and King Pazzo. Countless additional people turned out to join the second line.

Award-winning filmmaker Natascha Randt shot a great movie of the parade. Thanks to Miss Randt, we can keep these memories forever.

After the parade, the Bayou Belle, decked out as an imitation kraken with streamer-tentacles, lifted off from the town square and was seen flying around the city and bayou, its passengers flinging beads and what appeared to be small octopuses onto balconies.

Fireworks at the river (photo by Liza Veliz)

Fireworks at the river (photo by Liza Veliz)

At nightfall, Taloosters who were not yet too drunk assembled at the city docks to ooh and aah at a spectacular fireworks display shot off from the top tier of the steamboat. There were cheers, funny comments, and admiration for the awesome display. Spectators were witness to a twenty-minute finale, something that is rarely seen outside China.

Everyone went home to change out of their dusty costumes and take showers before the big celebratory dance at Kari’s Bar and Dance later that night. Bluesman Jimmyt Dukes entertained an enthusiastic and appreciative audience of over fifty revelers. Balloons and confetti rained down on the club, the liquor flowed, and a few opium pipes could be seen turning the air a cloudy, dreamy blue.

Dancing to JimmyT at Kari's (photo by Karima Hoisan)

Dancing to JimmyT at Kari’s (photo by Karima Hoisan)

The after-party at Kari’s went on a few hours more, until finally a naked neighbor (not mentioning any names) rode in on a horse (possibly another neighbor), ran over a few customers, and went out the dock door. The party wound down at the end of, as Mayor Godenot commented, “the best day we have ever had in New Toulouse.”

Jack Mondieu, Ace Reporter, would like to thank all those who contributed to this story; also he is seeking a good headache cure.

Social Whirl: Kari’s grand reopening party

by on Saturday, January 18th, 2014

Nearly sixty people attended the grand reopening party for Kari’s Bar & Dance Friday night, featuring music by bluesman Tukso Okey. Click here for more photographs and a statement by Miss Karima, the proprietress: Like Old Times … But Even Better!

Hot Spots: The Green-eyed Fairy

by on Monday, March 18th, 2013

The Green-eyed Fairy

Miss Francesca Alva owns and runs the Green-eyed Fairy, a merry drinking and dancing landmark in New Toulouse. Miss Alva, an elegant woman of a certain age, takes great pride in having run this establishment since 2009. The club’s posh amenities are a reflection of the owner herself. “It is a labor of love and a place for people to just come and hang out, listen to good music, and dance. I have a well-stocked bar and a well-stocked Intan [dance machine],” explained Miss Alva.

The main room is decorated in a wash of green color like the fairy eyes that the club is named after—or perhaps it is green like the absinthe imbibed in great quantities by patrons and owner alike. The upright piano and the interesting artwork and themed ephemera adorning the walls create the impression that the arts are fully endorsed and enjoyed here at the Green-eyed Fairy.

During Founder’s Week in New Toulouse, the Green-eyed Fairy held an event with music played by the ever-popular Miz Carter Denja; the party harkened back to one of the club’s historic traditions. “RL issues for me meant that after 2010 I couldn’t be inworld much, but prior to that I had a monthly blues event DJed by Soliel Snook. I am hoping to resume events on a more regular basis here, and later this year there will be a tiny dance to aid the Relay for Life team Tiny Steps for a Cure.” said Miss Alva, who can be a biggie or a tiny any day of the week, depending on a plethora of reasons.

The Green-eyed Fairy—not to be confused with the Green Fairy of Winterfell—specializes in blues, jazz, and tarot cards. Miss Alva, pouring herself another glass of absinthe, hastened to add, “There is also an opium den.”

A thriving music venue in New Toulouse always embodies the enthusiasm of a passionate entrepreneur. Miss Alva’s reason for selecting this richly themed community was simple but compelling. Pouring yet another glass of absinthe, she explained, “The minute I set foot in New Toulouse, I was overwhelmed. I didn’t just want to be here—I knew I had to be here. The Green-eyed Fairy belongs here and nowhere else.”

Habana Jazz is a resident of New Toulouse and calls his mother every week.

Founder’s Week 2013

by on Sunday, March 10th, 2013

Founder’s Week started off Saturday, March 2, with a reception celebrating the opening of the Art in the Park festival in the town square. Our own advice columnist, Maurice Nixon, hosted the party. The artwork of many talented artists was on display: that of T. S. Carson (as curated by Lazarus Morane), Maggie Hawksby, Adele Kling, Kristine Jinx-Kristan, Gigi Lapin, Maurice Nixon, Bryn Oh, and Melusina Parkin.


On the afternoon of March 9, citizens assembled at the house of Mayor Godenot to hear him speak from his balcony. “We come together to honor the tireless efforts and artistic vision of our Founders, Miss Carricre Wind and Miss Gabrielle Riel,” he said, to much applause. “Miss Wind, in the midst of Endless Destruction, conceived and built a city in a swamp. Her vision gave us New Toulouse, a dry place to live, to play, and to grow in the community of of our neighbors. Miss Riel conceived and built us a village in a bayou. She gave us our lovely New Toulouse Bayou, where we live and hunt and boat and play. Let us thank our founders for their vision and effort and enjoy these places they have given us!”


Following his speech, the mayor climbed up a ladder and leaped from a great height into the yard, landing in a bucket of water, which traditionally means a year of good luck for the city. The crowd was greatly enthused, and most made their way down the street to Lafitte’s for the Ceremonial Paying of the Founder’s Meter.

Then it was time for a street party in front of the firehouse, with entertainment by singer and pianist Kyle Bronsdon. Miss Mirri Rosca kindly decorated the area and set out refreshments for people to enjoy.


Overall, Founder’s Week was deemed a success, and the good people of New Toulouse look forward to another fine year.

Nikita Weymann lives in New Toulouse Bayou. She is disconcerted to be referring to herself in the third person right now.