Posts Tagged ‘Agricola Fusilier’

League announces mayoral candidate

by on Saturday, March 26th, 2016

MainsCampaignsDear Sirs—

The time has come for a new day in New Toulouse, a day without shame, or ignominy, or fear. For as long as anyone can remember, a member of the Regular Alliance Organization has held power in our fair city, and the corruption and graft have only increased, year after year.

We need more efficient and honest administration of public affairs. We need fair and honest expenditure of our taxes, a better public school system, and clean and dry streets. We need a larger, more honest police force. Most of all, we need to eliminate from the city payrolls the political loafers who draw salaries for which they do not work, thus depriving honest men of the opportunity to earn an honest living.

Our candidate for mayor is Richard Mains, a friend and neighbor, well known in our town. Richard is honest, upright, and true, and he will serve us well as our new mayor.

This election day can be a new day for New Toulouse, a day with a brighter future! Vote for Richard Mains!

Agricola Fusilier,
on behalf of the
New Toulouse Citizens’ League
26 Basin Street

Letter to the editor

by on Saturday, March 5th, 2016

Citizens of New Toulouse,

The Regular Alliance Organization has hesitated at no act, however detrimental to the public welfare, to strengthen its hold and perpetuate its existence. Should it be able to maintain its grasp, it will plunge the city into greater disorder and disgrace, hopelessly undermine the foundations of public prosperity, and finally destroy the liberties of the people.

The impending mayoral election represents a glint of hope, as many of us have broken with Mr. Godenot and the Alliance regulars and formed an organization to oppose the shameful status quo.

The Citizens’ League will work for an efficient administration of public affairs. We will see that taxes are honestly expended, that the proper measures are taken to advance the public school system, that the police force is increased, and that the streets are kept clean and good drainage is provided. We will eliminate from the city payrolls the political loafers who draw salaries for which they do not work, thus depriving honest men of the opportunity to earn an honest living.

Look for the announcement of our mayoral candidate later this month.

Agricola Fusilier
Citizens’ League
26 Basin Street, New Toulouse