Posts Tagged ‘dances’

Surreal shindig set for Saturday

by on Friday, August 22nd, 2014

The Krewe of Bast invites you to attend the first annual Surrealist Ball, to be held in the Spiegel Hall auditorium this Saturday, August 23, beginning at 1:00 PM. Expect strange music by DJ Ghosty Kips, peculiar amuse-bouches by Kristine Jinx-Kristan, and singular decor “done entirely by cats,” according to a krewe representative. Those unsure what to wear to such an event may wish to examine the many free avatars available at Meta-Body II.

Gigi Lapin resides on Basin Street with her pet crawfish, Jimbo.

Summer celebrations in full swing

by on Tuesday, June 24th, 2014

Marie Laveau, the Voodoo Queen, at the St. John's Eve fete

Marie Laveau, the Voodoo Queen

It was a busy extended weekend with the twin holidays of Midsummer, the longest day of the year, and St. John’s Eve, New Toulouse’s biggest fete of the year.
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach and his lovely wife Zantabraxus

Baron Klaus Wulfenbach and his lovely wife Zantabraxus

Midsummer and all of its mischief were welcomed in this year by a Midsummer Night’s Scream masquerade ball. The ball was organized by Miz Arijah Ankh Khalid-Zyn and yours truly, and the theme this year was “Vampires and Fairies,” which pretty much meant all magical creatures were welcome.

New Toulouse turned out in its dark and glimmering finery and tore it up with DJ Gamaliel of Dance With the Dead Radio, who was generous enough to have the revelers donate to the Gumbo Society instead of his own coffers by way of traditional tips.

Miz Ari draped New Toulouse’s Spiegel Hall in black and green regalia and provided delicious traditional food. She included the recipe for each dish, so one could recreate the enchanted morsels easily in one’s own Unseelie-free kitchen. I provided the booze and had some O-negative on hand for the translucent and thirsty vamps who showed up. We didn’t want them eating the fae, after all.

Nearly L$2,500 was raised for the Gumbo Society, making Gumbo, the society’s mascot, one happy donkey.



Miss Burke

Miss Burke

St. John’s Eve, organized by Miss Maggie Hawksby and Miss Tilda Brown, was also a huge success.

The bayou was all dressed up in tradition so powerful that many of the mighty loa slipped into corporeal splendor to dance with the partiers. Baron Samedi, Papa Legba, and Mama Oshun were among the divine attendees, and they mixed it up famously with the many residents of New Toulouse, as everyone danced to the splendid spinning of Holocluck Henly and his psychedelic shades.

Dancing around the bonfire to goatskin drums and zydeco beats was a glorious way to celebrate this most sacred night, and while not present in the flesh, the very essence of Marie Laveau was there leading the revelry and celebrating with her beloved loa.

The night sky was resplendent as the merrymakers spun beneath the celestial umbrella.

For more images of both events, visit Miss Maggie’s photo albums:

• Midsummer Night’s Scream
St. John’s Eve Celebration

It is safe to say that summer and all of its mischief are well and truly here. Enjoy the season!

Miss Maggie and Mama Oshun drumming

Miss Maggie and Mama Oshun drumming

Salome Starsmith is the owner and manager of the Severed Head pub in New Toulouse and lives on the bayou in a tall, stilted house with her dog Edouard, hoping zombies cannot climb stairs.

The Curious Ghost

by on Saturday, May 17th, 2014


Sister Butta threw a housewarming party for Trolley Trollop in the Red Drum courtyard to celebrate Trolley’s new digs at Red Drum Place. The music was provided by La Freese, and the party theme was flappers—flappers with bananas. They were there to lure the Tunnel Man. The bananas were. Well, all of us were.

Miss Trolley Trollop, the guest of honor, wearing a barrel

Miss Trolley Trollop, the guest of honor, wearing a barrel

And it worked! Kristine Jinx-Kristan spotted him in a cupboard under the bar. He wanted bananas and drinks. Then he climbed up in the kraken chandelier, and then he realized he was afraid of heights.
Cabinet of the Apes

Cabinet of the Apes

How exciting! Most of us had never seen him. He looked like a monkey, and he acted like a monkey. Could this really be Tunnel Man?
Ms. Kristine Jinx-Kristan goes after the self-proclaimed Tunnel Man

Ms. Kristine Jinx-Kristan goes after the self-proclaimed Tunnel Man

Poppy Valentine suggested, “Maybe we should put out two cages. One with a banana and one with a dark-haired girl. And see what he chooses.”

Then they all stared at me. I refused to get into a cage.

Miss Poppy Valentine cuts a rug in a swell pair of saddle shoes

Miss Poppy Valentine cuts a rug in a swell pair of saddle shoes

I feel sorry for the poor little fellow. Edward Ramsey has been talking about tar and feathers. Doctor Avalon wants to lobotomize him, like she wants to do with our cool reporter Jack Mondieu.

I hope I made everyone feel uncomfortable about their behavior when I asked them if this was a lynch mob. Shouldn’t everyone get a fair trial before getting lobotomized?

If the mob hands him over to Doctor Avalon, I will call the NTSPCA for sure.

Tunnel Monkey

Tunnel Monkey

So it seems the monkey, now called “Tunnel Monkey,” is still around. And someone is leaving banana peels all over town. Be careful, they are quite slippery.

Photos courtesy of Ms. Sister Butta, Ms. Arijah Ankh Khalid-Zyn, and Ms. Liza Veliz.

Liza Veliz, being a ghost, has no fear of Tunnel Man or Beast and loves everyone and everything.

Social Whirl: Kari’s grand reopening party

by on Saturday, January 18th, 2014

Nearly sixty people attended the grand reopening party for Kari’s Bar & Dance Friday night, featuring music by bluesman Tukso Okey. Click here for more photographs and a statement by Miss Karima, the proprietress: Like Old Times … But Even Better!

Tiny dance a big success

by on Tuesday, June 4th, 2013

Tinies from Raglan Shire invaded New Toulouse on Saturday, June 1, but it was all in a good cause. Relay for Life team Tiny Steps for a Cure organized a dance at the Green-eyed Fairy, where a great time was had by all, and an amazing L$12,228 was raised for the American Cancer Society.

Music was provided by DJ Manfred “Owlbear” Hancroft. His “totally legit” vintage covers of modern songs entertained us all. Imagine time travelers from the early 1900s, newly returned from the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Impressed by all the songs they’ve heard, they can’t wait to record their own versions, played in the styles of their time. They use the very latest recording technique: the wax cylinder. That will give you some idea of the music we heard. This writer will never listen to ABBA’s “Super Trouper” in quite the same way again. DJ Mani was supported by the Seals: animated seal musicians. These cute critters were available for purchase from RFL vendors and proved very popular.
Tiny Steps team captains and bunnehs Neill McCullough and Jennylynn Capalini (wife of DJ Mani) co-hosted with Miss Frannie, owner of the Green-eyed Fairy. Fans of the ChangHigh Trinity Sisters Fireshow will have seen Miz Jen in her biggie form as the Fire Dancer.

Many Taloosters took the opportunity to release their inner tinies. Mr. Lazarus Morane, who has recently relocated his famed oyster bar to Bayou, was a most elegantly attired frog. Mr. Orinoco Beresford, Shotgun Row’s newest resident, appeared as a dapper ferret appropriately clad in Relay for Life “purkle.” Miss Cookie, formerly of Bourbon, was a Pokemon, the “legendary Jirachi” who makes wishes come true. Miz Karima-Kareem (Hoisan) wore a smart black tux and top hat that perfectly complemented the black markings on her tiny white leopard avatar. Miz Gardenia Malheur arrived as a biggie, but she was so enchanted by Mr. Laz’s fly-catching antics that she herself changed into a frog, prompting Miz Jen to ask if it were not more common for the frog to turn into a handsome prince when kissed than for the princess to turn into a frog. Miz Gardie seemed to like her new self and said that we all looked “like a bunch of depraved electrons.” It is unclear whether the word “depraved” referred to her own “nakie” form. Miss Frannie, who embraced her inner tiny after the last New Toulouse tiny dance, was a raccoon and wore a green flapper dress with a fetching cloche hat.

Mayor Henri, fresh from his fact-finding mission to our RL sister sim of Louisiana, took time out from his busy schedule to join the fun, and he was accompanied by Miz Yvonne Follet, who so ably steered the ship of state in his absence. New Toulouse newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Pazzo and BelAmi Pestana were also among the guests and drew admiring glances as they danced gracefully around the room.
Miss Cookie’s friends, Bret Foxglove and his sister Taffilia, were a micro-fox and micro-bunneh respectively, and with Miss Momoe Mollari as a sprouting bean and Mr. Boots Shamrock of the Shire as a Dinky, even the tinies present felt like biggies.

We were delighted that members of other teams joined us: Miz Sienna Thor, captain of the Cure Chasers team, and some of her teammates; Lord Eldemar of Winterfell and his wife, Lady Cassie, from the Aether Chrononauts; and Miz Calumn Tomsen of the RFL Committee.

SL’s legendary crankiness did little to dampen our spirits, even after a mass ejection to RL. Once we had all relogged and rezzed, we carried on having fun. The dance ended in customary tiny fashion with a spirited performance of Riverdance, both tinies and biggies joining in with gusto.

We all carry our secret sorrows and scars, our fear and pain. We all want to beat cancer, that scourge that has blighted so many lives. We are all united in wanting to raise as much money as we can to help with the fight. As Saturday’s dance proved, we can have a lot of fun doing it.

Until there’s a cure, we relay.

Frances Lava is the pseudonym of a well-known Talooster who wishes to remain anonymous. She knows nothing about running a bar and would never dream of turning into a raccoon.