Posts Tagged ‘radio’

How I solved the code

by on Sunday, May 11th, 2014

The mysterious radio transmissions have been solved, thanks to the agile mind of Mr. DJ Gamaliel, who received the mayor’s L$2,500 reward and shared his method.

First I gathered the full code published in the paper and wrote it down, broken up by the breaks. I figured it would be a hard nut to crack, but trust me, there is nothing too hard to crack. I’m from Chicago, after all, and I have seen it all. First I thought it was weather code—five letters, two of which were repeated, so my first thought was FLOOD, but nothing after that made sense. I even tried converting it to a cryptogram in letter form, seeing if there were any leads. But again nothing made sense. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.
I remembered my old friend Bugsy, rest his soul, who was a great guy that got a bad rap helping out his local community. A real “people person” Bugsy was. But I remembered something he showed me. We were in Tennessee, at a joint called High Point, heading to Chicago from Florida, where we … well, that’s not important, and I am getting off topic now. But I remembered him showing me a piece of paper with numbers on it. But it wasn’t like the numbers from the paper; these numbers were split in twos.
So where you had 1, 40, 50, 50, 4, using Bugsy’s method it became 14, 05, 05, 04. So I broke it up like that and got a string of two-digit numbers. First I assigned the two-digit numbers to letters, like this: 01=A, 02=B, 03=C, all the way to 25=Y and 26=Z.
Then you have your string that you need to break down. First 1, 40, 50, 50, 4, which becomes 14, 05, 05, 04, which translates to the word NEED, using the above cipher.
I did this with the rest of the numbers and got NEED ASSISTANCE, PLEASE HELP for the first string of numbers. For the second I got ATTEMPT NO LANDING HERE. Probably some military pilot code or something that came in on the crystal set. Those wires do cross. Amazing how that works too. Just amazing.

DJ Gamaliel is the husband of Shotgun Row’s newest resident, Arijah Ankh Khalid-Zyn. He is no stranger to radio.

Letter to the editor

by on Saturday, May 10th, 2014

From the Office of the Mayor
Saturday, May 10

Dear Tattler,
Sorry about the fishwrapper comment.
We still don’t know what all of this number stuff on the radio means.
You will recall Miss Theriot discovered that the mysterious numbers on the radio had changed, and thinking it had something to do with coded messages, she sent us both number sequences. I asked for help in decoding them. So far no one has made any progress in decoding either sequence.
Maybe we’re missing something, so let’s try again. Here are the numbers from Miss Theriot’s notes, with the strange double zeros and pauses and all.

The first message:
1, 40, 50, 50, 4 … 0, 11, 91, 90, 91, 92, 00, 11, 40, 30, 5 … 1, 61, 20, 50, 11, 90, 5 … 0, 80, 51, 21, 6 (long pause, repeat)
The second message:
0, 12, 02, 00, 51, 31, 62, 0 … 1, 41, 5 … 1, 20, 11, 40, 40, 91, 40, 7 … 0, 80, 51, 80, 5 (long pause, repeat)
Miss Theriot thought the long pause was the end of the sequence. Maybe the other pauses are the ends of words?
Please help if you can. I’ll pay L$2,500 to the first person who can decode both of them, or half of that if someone decodes one.