Posts Tagged ‘Maurice Nixon’

In Focus: Jake Wikifoo

by on Monday, June 10th, 2013

“In Focus” spotlights interesting denizens of New Toulouse and the bayou. Do you have a neighbor that you think we should interview? Let us know!

Mr. Nixon turned in this interview by leaving it in a pickle barrel at Lafitte’s. Once we determined its location, much of it had been lost to the effects of acid plus time on paper. We hereby print what we were able to salvage.

“I hope you don’t expect me to answer with a Cajun affectation,” said local artist Jake Wikifoo when asked to give the Tattler an interview.
They say you are a Cajun. Is that true?

My real-life Cajun heritage began in 1630 when the first of my French ancestors immigrated to the New World. For over a century they thrived in Port Royal, Nova Scotia, by fishing, farming, and fur trapping. In 1759 they were forcefully expelled by the English (known as the Great Upheaval or le Grand Dérangement) and migrated south to Santo Domingo. When the Spanish governor of Louisiana promised to grant land to “neutral French,” my ancestors traveled to Louisiana and signed a land grant in 1765. That is how my family and other Cajuns came to pioneer large areas of central Louisiana.

My great-grandparents came “from the end of the road” in the 1920s hoping for a better (and somewhat drier) lifestyle in the city. They learned to speak English and started an industry that still exists today. But during leisure time, the assimilated lifestyle was put aside—the family spent every weekend and summer at the lake house, speaking French, hunting, fishing, shrimping, cussing, and drinking.

I had my first motorboat by the time I was ten. I’d pick my friends up along the bayou, and we’d stay gone until dark. It’s a wonder we survived.

My generation still hunts, fishes, cusses, and drinks, but the Cajun language has been largely lost. When asked if I still speak French, I answer, “Oui, un petit peu,” or in Cajun pronunciation, “Weh, ahn tee poo!”

As a side note, I lost the aforementioned lake house to Hurricane Rita. The watermark left by Hurricane Audrey on the kitchen wall in 1957 was actually higher. And for future reference, in Louisiana, lake houses are called “camps.”

My father’s mother was Creole, but that’s a topic for another discussion.

When did you first come to New Toulouse? How was it then, compared to today? Why did you leave, and why have you returned?

I stumbled upon New Toulouse almost immediately. The whole idea of shooting zombies was enthralling. Nikita Weymann gave me my first gun. I think there were more zombie sightings back then.

I bought my first piece of property in New Toulouse in March 2009—that was the beginning of Galerie Wikifoo. I began showing my own work, but the project grew into the representation of other artists too.

I eventually expanded to Algiers. Nikita was the architect for Chez Wikifoo, the Wikifoo family plantation house. I was so excited the day it was placed on the parcel. I loved that decrepit old mansion.

After getting into an ill-fated pissing match with someone, I left New Toulouse to try other sims—but not before burning Chez Wikifoo down in a spectacle that lit the Algiers sky for twelve hours. Galerie Wikifoo has since appeared intermittently around New Toulouse. I recently bought land in downtown New Toulouse, possibly to resurrect Galerie Wikifoo.
What are your public accomplishments in SL?

When Galerie Wikifoo morphed into Wikifoo Art Museum, I was able to exhibit the likes of Filthy Fluno, Van Caerdow, Rory Torrance, Jacks Rhys, and others. I thought that was a big accomplishment for me, endeavoring to move into a league of more credible SL galleries.

Krewe des Flambeaux is the New Toulouse Mardi Gras club that I founded. Our floats rolled for three years, and we’ve crowned two queens.

What is the most notable experience you ever had in SL?

I hosted my first rezday party on the parterre of Chez Wikifoo. It was a masked ball in conjunction with Mardi Gras. I was humbled by how many of my SL friends attended. I realized how awesome this group of people can be.

Who really inspires you?

One of my favorite SL artists is Rose Borchovski. She installs her art pieces so that they are an experience, not just a two-dimensional work. That kind of thing could only be accomplished using SL as a medium. And that kind of ingenuity inspires me.

There is an old rumor concerning your first penis. Please flesh that out for us.

I recall the occasion when I bought my first SL penis. I hurriedly teleported back to the cottage on Shotgun Row and tried it on for size. After a few minutes of camming around, I couldn’t find the dang thing, either on my person or in my inventory. It was mind-boggling but not surprising, since I was a clueless noob. A couple weeks later I received a visit from a leading lady of New Toulouse—seems she bought one of my best paintings, only to find the penis attached.

Maurice Nixon was deported from Prussia to the United States of America for writing a book on good manners for gentlemen. Prussian authorities alleged that the book belittled the monarch. The following year, the monarchy was abolished; Mr. Nixon is doing well.

A Gentleman’s Advice

by on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013

A Gentleman's Advice

From: Francesca Alva, Concerned Friend
Re: Wormwood and waistlines

Dear Sir,

I am writing, not on my own behalf, but because I am concerned about a close friend. I do not want to let slip anything that could indentify her, as she is well-known in New Toulouse. Suffice it to say that her work means she is surrounded by spirituous liquors, and in particular, that Blighter of Lives, that Destroyer of Happiness, Absinthe. She is obsessed with this vile libation, and while this does not much matter in SL, her obsession has spilled over into my Real Life, that is to say, my friend’s Real Life, where, not content merely with reading about Absinthe, she has begun drinking it in secret.

What can I do to help her? It is not so much the drink itself that is ruining her, but all that sugar is bad for my her waistline.

Dear Francesca,

The bane of society is a productive drunkard. But a wide waistline is unbecoming and may lead to Rheumatism; this is well documented by physicians.

Your friend’s taste for absinthe grew out of an interest for the stuff in the ether-world, you say. What a pickle, Francesca. Unfortunately, this sort of thing is not uncommon. If only I had a buffalo nickle for every bad habit that crossed the Great Divide.

I suggest helping your friend to find a real-life sexual partner, one who is at least ten years her junior. Like absinthe, such people can come from Second Life, as it were. If history is any guide, only vigorous and frequent sexual intercourse can keep your friend’s tummy toned, because she probably won’t put down that bottle of blight till she is good and ready.

Moreover, a lover could drive her to a medical detox when that time arrives.

Good luck, good friend.


Lost in the Crowd
Re: Finding friends

I have a question about friendships. If someone is shy, how does that person find meaningful friendships in Second Life?

It seems that people are in Second Life for different reasons. That is very normal and obvious, but I have found that the agenda is usually very superficial, either surrounding sex or activities outside the norm that can be uncomfortable.

I came to Second Life due to a real-life Internet friend. Once here to interact with this friend in Second Life, I found that this person wanted to role-play in roles I did not feel comfortable in. Over the years it became more uncomfortable, and it was a sport to my friend to try to get me into the situations I had hoped to avoid. I left my friend and feel bad that I had to. It affected our real-life connection as well.

I found Second Life very helpful to me in that I had somewhere beautiful to live while concentrating on graduate school. I didn’t feel alone when writing papers, because there were people around me chatting. Now I am able to focus more on the people, but I can’t seem to figure out how to connect, and I am so guarded too due to my previous experiences. How does one begin? What are normal precautions? How can I accommodate others’ views or role-play, in building friendships? These may seem to be very simple questions, but I am missing something in life in general if I can’t figure this out on my own by now.

Dear Lost in the Crowd,

People ain’t no good. It’s true 99 times out of 100. Not very encouraging, I know. But understanding this before we attempt to make new friends can help us endure the horror of disappointment that comes if they don’t do what we want ’em to.

Role-players are notorious liars. I think you are looking in the wrong place for a friend if you expect to find some in RP. These people often don’t know where to draw the line. You can never be sure what is real and what is in-character. Your experience with your friend from RL confirms this. The very best RP does not need out-of-character friendships. Passionate commitment to the craft is what separates the casual role-players from the best. And a well-written background story with limits clearly stated also reduces the potential for misunderstandings, especially among narcissists masquerading as role-players and personal friends: have we both met a few of those?

Being guarded based on past negative experiences is a good thing—it proves you’re not insane. Now, give yourself another advantage: expand your horizons. Go beyond the RP community to engage people in any other aspect of Second Life that doesn’t exist solely for the sexual activity. Even if you don’t find these other groups very interesting on the surface (a book reading circle, a charity effort, a building society), free your mind of prejudices and join one, or three. Once you are ensconced, practice making friends with those around you. There may be things you can learn from them.


From: Ghostgirl
Re: Zombie love

Dear Adviser,

Am in love with a zombie looking like Michael with the hockey mask. Any suggestions? He poofs every time I get near.

Dear Ghostgirl,

Sacrifice a breedable pet, then send Michael a clear message in an IM. If that doesn’t work, visit Rhiananna the tarot card reader to ask for a reading.


Maurice Nixon was deported from Prussia to the United States of America for writing a book on good manners for gentlemen. Prussian authorities alleged that the book belittled the monarch. The following year, the monarchy was abolished; Mr. Nixon is doing well.

Send your questions to Mr. Nixon care of the Tattler. (Our ether-mail link is in the sidebar, under Meta.)

A Gentleman’s Advice

by on Thursday, February 14th, 2013

A Gentleman's Advice

From: Neurotic in New Toulouce
Re: Paralyzed by my desires

Dear Sir,

For the past year i have been playing a female avatar, yet I am a man in real life. This fulfills a desire of mine that I could not so easily fulfill off the grid. I am bisexual but tend to prefer the company of gentlemen.

Recently, I have met a fellow and fallen in love—he is wonderful! He has no idea that I’m secretly a man, and I am not sure whether to tell him the truth before this affair goes much further. I have a lot of apprehension, and the fear of losing him, although he is very broad-minded and has friends of all sorts inworld, has me paralyzed.

My beau and I have been intimate, and now he is hinting at making our relationship exclusive, which I would agree to immediately if only I knew what to do regarding the aforementioned dilemma.

What do you think I should do, Mr. Nixon?

Dear Neu,

Love is so elusive for many of us and can be fleeting, it seems, once we actually do find it in this strange, beautiful world. I am reluctant to counsel you in the direction of admitting to your love a detail about your real life that has so far played no part in your relationship. 

Will it ever? 

Only if you choose to inform him can it ever become a factor. And, if it did come out, there seems to be every chance that he would take it in stride and probably think nothing of it. But most likely he will never know; he will only love you for who you are inside. 

Remember, dear, shit doesn’t stink till it comes out, as they say around the docks of the French Market. Enjoy your newfound love, and go have some prim babies!


From: Max-a-million
Re: Role-play rules suck

If New Toulouse is supposed to be like New Orleans, how come the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan do not have a meeting hall? That is right, I am saying that the KKK should have the same rights in role-play as gumbo eaters. It is not fair!

Dear Max,

New Toulouse was created for intelligent, civilized people to enjoy, not idiots. But you can pretend to be a KKK member to your heart’s content elsewhere in SL, at places such as Ahern.

Type “Ahern” into search and begin a new, unrestricted chapter in your role-playing. And make sure your sheet is white as can be. 

Good luck.


Maurice Nixon was deported from Prussia to the United States of America for writing a book on good manners for gentlemen. Prussian authorities alleged that the book belittled the monarch. The following year, the monarchy was abolished; Mr. Nixon is doing well.

Send your questions to Mr. Nixon care of the Tattler. (Our ether-mail link is in the sidebar, under Meta.)