Posts Tagged ‘Eloquent Elysium’

“High tea” a high-class smoke screen?

by on Tuesday, April 1st, 2014

On the surface, the most recent theme party at Eloquent Elysium was a stunningly elegant affair. But rumors have been circulating that hostess Bianca Solderini—or at least some of her guests—used the occasion as a forum for civil disobedience.

As usual, Miss Solderini put together a stunning presentation, transforming the roof of the Elysium into a charming garden, where New Toulouse residents and guests danced in elegant attire and sipped expensive tea with their pinkies extended.
Karima Hoisan, who was relaxing in the garden after another successful event at her own establishment, Kari’s Bar and Dance, said, “Everyone knows that’s the whole point of a high tea—to admire everyone’s outfits and gossip about the people who aren’t there.”
One such absence was that of Mayor Henri Godenot, who wrote a scathing letter to the editor after last week’s party. Mayor Godenot accused the Elysium of violating the parish’s public nudity ordinances after hearing that the previous week’s soiree involved a hot tub on the roof of the bar, and he berated the Tattler for not publishing any photos of the event. (Mayor Godenot clearly has never seen what happens to a camera lens when it gets too close to a hot tub … or to certain city officials in bathing costume.)

Shockingly, some sources say violations of the nudity ordinance were committed at the tea in protest of the mayor’s accusations. But no photographic evidence has surfaced, and one person who wished to remain unnamed said the rumor was started by someone who “drinks too much absinthe, even for New Toulouse.”

But at least one act of defiance was caught on camera: a guest at the party was wearing a backless gown, revealing a provocative tattoo of a creature that the mayor has insisted does not exist.
The theme for Eloquent Elysium’s next party at 4:00 PM Sunday is “Arabian Nights.” There is no word so far on whether any unofficial goading of the mayor will be part of the agenda.

Jane Moreaux keeps all four eyes on New Toulouse. Photos courtesy of Miss Maggie Hawksby.

Letter to the editor

by on Monday, March 24th, 2014

From the Office of the Mayor
Sunday, March 23

Dear Sir,

You call yourself a newspaperman?

You spend your time publishing inane stories about glowing mushrooms and subterranean murders, and ridiculous tales of nonexistent krakens, and then you fail to cover actual newsworthy stuff?

What’s wrong, cat got your tongue?

Today the most interesting thing in weeks happened, and nothing, not even so much as a mention from you. This is par for the course for your rag—entire buildings have vanished from our fairest of cities without you even rising from your opium couch.

Could this journalistic negligence possibly have something to do with me repossessing and demolishing that vermin-infested brick pile that housed your presses?

THIS IS NEWS: Today, at the Elysium, there was a “hot tub” party. Huge pools of water at immodest temperatures, filled with loose citizenry cavorting about in flagrant disregard for the no-nudity laws. Not one permit was present. No permit applications were filed. Not even a single nudity permit inspection was requested.

This is utter lawlessness, pure and simple. And your pro-corruption rag turns a blind eye to these proceedings without so much as a single photograph? Impossible. Our public demands the truth. With photos.


Elysium carouses happily ever after

by on Tuesday, March 11th, 2014

Once upon a time in the bayou, wicked queens and fairy-tale princesses made peace, nursery rhyme characters got a temporary reprieve from their painful fate, and the Gingerbread Man danced underfoot without getting trampled into crumbs. Costumes at this week’s Eloquent Elysium “Fairy Tales” party also included Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf, Puss in Boots, princes, fairies, and some visitors from Wonderland.

As the Sunday night event continues to pick up speed, residents have begun trying to figure out the recipe for the secret sauce that makes the parties work. Is it the crowd, which generally hovers at the perfect size for dancing and lively group banter without getting lost in chatter and lag? The venue itself, which is cozy yet airy and offers great views? When asked this question, Elysium owner Miss Bianca Solderini smiled knowingly and pointed to the location. “It is the surroundings that aid our parties in their success. We are situated in the most beautiful of bayous. The Sunday parties would be nothing without New Toulouse.” Then she lowered her voice, looked over her shoulder and said, “Hell, I don’t know! I am just as surprised at how much fun they are as everyone else.”

See photos from the event in this Flickr set.

Next week’s theme is “Masquerade Ball”; the party is Sunday at 4:00 PM SLT, Eloquent Elysium, Bayou #33. Costumes are encouraged but never required; take the ferry to avoid getting mud on your fancy duds.

Jane Moreaux ain’t afraid of the Big Bad Wolf.

Angels, demons, fairy tales at the Elysium

by on Monday, March 3rd, 2014

Heaven and hell met in the bayou on Sunday night for another smash hit party at Eloquent Elysium. Hostesses Bianca Solderini and Harley Mihnea pulled out all the stops for the “Angels and Demons” event, moving the party up on the roof to accommodate all the wings. DJ VladimirDraculaIII played a heavenly set of devilish dance tunes, and amateur psychologists had a field day making observations about who came as what. Photos can be found in this Flickr set.

Next week’s theme is “Fairy Tales,” so whether you’re a sash-wearing prince, an evil queen, a talking animal, or a doomed child hero, bring your story to Bayou #33, Eloquent Elysium, at 4:00 PM SLT on Sunday, March 9, for more fun!

Jane Moreaux is an angel, of course.

Eloquent Elysium goes for Baroque

by on Monday, February 17th, 2014

The Krewe Bayou festivities weren’t the only game in town this weekend for Taloosters seeking to get dressed up and have a good time. The Eloquent Elysium hosts weekly themed parties on Sundays at 4:00 PM SLT, and last Sunday it attracted Carnival revelers with a Baroque theme. The Elysium, having had success with silly hats, smoke-outs, and creature features, upped its game and managed not to sink into the swamp under the extra weight of dancers in poofy skirts and powdered wigs.

Photos can be found in this Flickr set. Like most successful parties in New Toulouse, this one ended with exhausted revelers sprawled out on all the available furniture, absinthe in hand.

Elysium owner Miss Bianca Solderini said that next week’s theme is “Opposites.” Participants are encouraged to wear opposite-gender attire (but other clever interpretations of the theme are welcome as well). As always, costumes are not a requirement to attend—but who doesn’t want to see Mayor Godenot in fishnets and heels?

Jane Moreaux is currently freelancing for the Tattler because reopening that abandoned gambling den on the bayou hasn’t turned into the moneymaking venture she had hoped.